On my 40th birthday, I decided to invite my officemates to Ohana to celebrate the beginning of my life. Of course the day wasn't perfect. Of course my car had to konk out in the middle of the road at the beginning of the day. Which screwed up our perfectly planned day.
Francis trying his best to start the car! |
Nevertheless, I had many things to thank for so my mood was light albeit panicky.
1. I thanked God that I had a husband who took charge of the whole thing.
2. I thanked God that the car stalled before we even got to the busy street.
3. And I thanked God that our mechanic lives 10 minutes away and even lent us his car so we could go to BF to prepare food for the party at night.
So 40 isn't so bad. In fact being 40 is great!! Before the day itself, my ever-so-sweet 60+ staff surprised me with a cake, a bouquet and a gift box from Body Shop. It was perfectly hatched that I wasn't aware of their preparations (my stage mother hawk eyes didn't get any hint of it). Before I knew it, they were all gathered around my room and singing "Happy Birthday!" So sweet!! Stopped the tears so it wouldn't be melodramatic.
My birthday bouquet + gift box from Body Shop + lovely shawl!! |
Though the day didn't start as planned, we got more blessings than we asked for. Our guests enjoyed the food at the party and raved about Ohana too!
It's been 17 days since my birthday and more answered prayers are coming our way. No, am not yet pregnant but our unused Whirlpool Washing Machine has just been sold!! Last night. At 11:00PM in the evening. I kid you not!
Bye bye Whirlpool |
It has been sitting in our deck for more than a year. I've advertised it in local websites but still no takers. After a solemn prayer while in the office, my mobile started ringing. It was a call from Amsterdam! Turns out this Pinoy guy from there has a brother here and they have a laundry business. The laundry business was doing great they had a lot of backlog! They were desperate! So our machine fit perfectly in their plans. They bought it from us last night ... at 11:00PM! Answered prayer! As in!
Now bringing you back to the start of the story, my mini-Pajero has served me well. But it is time to let it go. Auntie Bebott will be buying it from me this December on an auspicious day (should be a date with "8" so it's lucky daw). Am selling it to her super cheap and she's so excited about it, I've never gotten so much calls from her!
So here comes my next answered prayer. From out of the blue, a highschool friend of Francis texts him saying that they're now into pre-owned cars. And at the bottom of the list was the car we were looking for! Since they're friends, we get a reasonable discount! And they took care of us really well. So here's a glimpse of another of God's gift to me at 40: meet my "new" car.
hello :-) |
We're getting it tomorrow!!! Yey!! Yahoo! Yebah!! Woohoo!! It's great to be 40!!!